South Asian Mental Health Directory
Navigating a therapeutic journey as a minority can be confusing. Unsure where to start, and looking for culturally-sensitive therapy?
Fret not because we have just what you need! Mental ACT's South Asian Mental Health Directory allows you to browse through various South Asian mental health professionals and find someone best suited to your needs.
Through this, we hope you feel more encouraged to seek support for your mental health and better equipped to help your loved ones find support!
Uncovering the Truth: Research Report
Minority communities are often underrepresented in mental health research in Singapore.
This creates gaps in our understanding of how cultural differences influence attitudes about mental health.
Understanding the reasons behind cultural differences in mental health could provide valuable data to identify emerging problems in minority communities and shape initiatives and interventions.
“Uncovering the Truth” explores the relationship between Indian youths’ attitudes towards mental illness and seeking mental health services.